Weekly schedule
NB : This schedule is subject to change
Class 1, July 6:
- Housekeeping
- Shop safety tour
- Electricity, breadboards
- Reading: The Art of Interactive Design, Chapter 1.
- Write a post with your reaction to the article. What is your definition of interactivity? How does it differ from Crawford's?
- Assignment:
- Create an online blog for the class.
- Review the Wrangling Electrons post and create a circuit with a switch and make a post in your blog about it. Can you make the switch close with something so you don't have to use your hands? What about your feet, or ear, or nose? What other materials could you find that conduct electricity that could be used in a switch?
Class 2, July 11:
- Intro to p5js - various platforms for CC
- Editors
- javascript (data types, functions, running in the browser)
- Drawing shapes, using the cursor to draw
- Assignment:
- Make a self portrait or a drawing machine
- Reading : A brief rant on the future of Interaction design (and the follow-up article). How do you feel about this notion of "pictures under glass"? How do you think we can move away from it?
Class 3, July 13 :
- Intro to Arduino programming, digital input/output
- Watch Casey Reas’ Eyeo talk on chance operations. Write up a short response on your blog
- Review the Universal Everything - Week 2.2 post before working on the physical assignment.
- Expanding on your switch from last week, make a program with the Arduino that combines multiple switches and outputs. Introduce some 'thought' into your system of input and output. How can you contextualize meaning from a blinking light?
Class 4, July 18:
- animation
- functions, for(),while(),random()
Assignment :
- try and implement two aspects from the 12 principles of animation. Here’s a 20-ish minute playlist that gets into details about it.
Class 5, July 20 :
- Analog input/output
- make a love machine / stuid pet trick
Class 6, July 25 :
- Objects and Arrays
- Assignment :
- Make an art or a game with objects. See also : Sol LeWitt, or the reCode project for some inspirations. pong or tic tac toe are good places to start as well.
- Observation assignment:
- Go and observe people using an interactive interface in public. Take notes on their experience with it. How did they operate the interafce? Were they successful in completing their interaction? Were their expectations met? Were yours? Write a post about it. Draw or photograph the interface. Video if it’s not stalkery
Class 7, July 27 :
In Class: Get one byte going between your Arduino and Processing
- Make a physical controller or output for something you have made in processing.
- Write on your journal a paragraph or two about what computing means to you at this point. Is it adding something to your life? Is it helping you become a better person? What are you getting out of it, what do others get from it?
Class 8, August 1
image processing, Videos and CV
Read Golan Levin’s notes on computer Vision for Artists
make me saw wow with an image of video manipulation
Class 9 , August 2
Free for all class. Potential ideas include wireless communication, parsing text, networking, the DOM, additional protocols for hardware, audio, motors and high current/voltage loads, etc etc etc- work on your final project
Class 10, August 3
- Show Vision
- In Class: Working with non synchronous sensors, high current & voltage loads
- Assignment:
- Continue your final project!!
Class 11, August 8
- Show: Final In Progress
- One on One Feedback
- More final topics
- Assignment:
- Finish Final Project
Class 12, August 10
Final Presentations